High-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and early defibrillation with minimal peri-shock pauses are crucial for improving survival from cardiac arrest. This Dutch study describes layperson actions after shock delivery with AEDs and how voice prompts may affect post-shock pauses. We found significant differences in time to shock delivery. Overall, 15 participants (13%) removed the electrodes after shock delivery, 20 participants (17%) did not resume compressions, and major differences in post-shock pauses were observed. Importantly, our findings of removal of electrodes have not previously been reported. Removal of electrodes before starting compressions may prevent further rhythm checks and shock deliveries. As patients may require several shocks, this may decrease chance of survival. Importantly, future CPR training and public campaigns should emphasize to resume compressions and keeping electrodes attached for further rhythm check and defibrillation.