Medicine in general is quickly transitioning to a digital presence. Orthopaedic surgery is also being impacted by the tenets of digital health but there are also direct efforts with trauma surgery. Sensors are the pen and paper of the next wave of gathering data. Orthopaedic trauma can and will be part of this new wave of medicine. Early sensor products that are now coming to market, or are in early development, will directly change the way we think about surgical diagnosis and outcomes. This article reviews current sensor technology that looks to impact trauma care.

The study concluded that need a lot of information from internal sensors to change orthopedic health care. Wireless battery-free devices attached to bone during orthopedic surgeries can potentially directly record physiological and biophysical signals critical for the assessment of musculoskeletal health.


Read full article here;

Sensor technology usage in orthopedic trauma – PubMed (