A number of selected sports clubs were visited, and participants aged ≥16 were asked to complete a questionnaire relating to current awareness and attitudes toward AEDs, and their willingness to use the device. Each participant then attended a 2-hour small-group teaching session where they were educated on the role and use of an AED, with opportunity to practice AED use in a controlled environment. After receiving teaching, each individual again completed the questionnaire. 142 people participated in the study. Before teaching, the average level of knowledge regarding AED use was relatively low.
The most common reason identified for unwillingness to operate an AED was lack of knowledge on how to correctly use the device. After teaching, 77.5%(n=110) of participants reported that they would definitely be willing to use an AED, compared with 20.4%(n=30) before teaching.
Conclusion: A structured educational programme can increase layperson awareness, confidence and willingness to operate an AED.